If you need to cancel your booking, it’s important to note that when you book through Dohop, you are booking directly with the airline or travel provider. This means that any cancellations or changes to your booking must be managed directly with the airline or travel provider you booked with. Their cancellation policies and terms will apply.
Dohop Booking Fee
The Dohop booking fee is non-refundable. This fee is charged for the service of facilitating your self-connected trip and is independent of the airline’s policies regarding ticket cancellations.
ConnectSure Refund Policy
If you purchased ConnectSure, it is refundable only within 14 days of purchase, provided your travel has not yet commenced. After 14 days, the ConnectSure fee is non-refundable.
How to Cancel
To cancel your booking, contact the airline or travel provider directly using the details provided in your confirmation email. If you need further assistance, you can reach out to the Dohop team, but please note we cannot process cancellations or issue refunds for airline tickets.
To contact Dohop, please use the help widget in the bottom right corner of this page or click HERE